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terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2014

Randi Zuckerberg Former Head of Marketing at Facebook - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers

Randi Zuckerberg Former Head of Marketing at Facebook - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers: "Randi Zuckerberg
Former Head of Marketing at Facebook
Randi Zuckerberg is the former Head of Marketing at Facebook where she helped to expand the Facebook family even further into the social networking stratosphere. She was definitely one of the brand's greatest spokespeople and helped spread the word and kept Facebook the premier social networking site.

Randi is now CEO of Zuckerberg Media. Since starting Zuckerberg Media, she has hosted social productions and led the development of projects for BeachMint, the Clinton Global Initiative, Cirque du Soleil, The Tony Blair Faith Foundation and the UN Foundation.

"One of the architects of Facebook, Randi Zuckerberg is an inspirational entrepreneur.""

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