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CryptoParty: "

Porto Alegre - 24 de Janeiro de 2014

A CryptoParty é uma ação global e descentralizada que objetiva difundir os conceitos fundamentais e softwares básicos de criptografia como Open PGP e OTR. A primeira CryptoParty Brasil acontecerá dia 30/11/2013 em São Paulo e terá diversas atividades como palestras, tutoriais, install fest e discussões sobre o tema. Traga seu computador e dispositivos móveis e participe desta festa!"

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Randi Zuckerberg Former Head of Marketing at Facebook - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers

Randi Zuckerberg Former Head of Marketing at Facebook - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers: "Randi Zuckerberg
Former Head of Marketing at Facebook
Randi Zuckerberg is the former Head of Marketing at Facebook where she helped to expand the Facebook family even further into the social networking stratosphere. She was definitely one of the brand's greatest spokespeople and helped spread the word and kept Facebook the premier social networking site.

Randi is now CEO of Zuckerberg Media. Since starting Zuckerberg Media, she has hosted social productions and led the development of projects for BeachMint, the Clinton Global Initiative, Cirque du Soleil, The Tony Blair Faith Foundation and the UN Foundation.

"One of the architects of Facebook, Randi Zuckerberg is an inspirational entrepreneur.""

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Prof. Michael Zyda Expert in the Future of Video Games - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers

Prof. Michael Zyda Expert in the Future of Video Games - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers: "Prof. Michael Zyda
Expert in the Future of Video Games
Michael Zyda is Director of the USC GamePipe Laboratory, and a Professor of Engineering Practice in the USC Department of Computer Science. At USC, he created the 'Batchelor of Science' (BA) in Computer Science (Games) and 'Master of Science' (MS) in Computer Science (Game Development) cross-disciplinary degree programs and doubled the incoming undergraduate enrolment of the Computer Science Department. He was the Founding Director of The MOVES Institute, located at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California and a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at NPS as well."

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Prof. Manuel Castells Chair Professor of Communication Technology and Society - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers

Prof. Manuel Castells Chair Professor of Communication Technology and Society - Speakers Biography | Celebrity Speakers: "Celebrity SpeakersCelebrity Speakers AssociatesWorld Leading Speaker BureauThe global speaker bureau
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Home>Our Speakers>Prof. Manuel Castells
Prof. Manuel Castells
Chair Professor of Communication Technology and Society
Manuel Castells is Professor of Communication and the holder of the Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication Technology and Society at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California. He is a Research Professor at the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona and Professor Emeritus of Sociology and of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley.

"Governments can no longer govern; they can only negotiate""

Disponível suas publicações.

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@Ignatia Webs: 20 strategies for learner interactions in mobile #...

@Ignatia Webs: 20 strategies for learner interactions in mobile #...: Let's be honest, we all LOVE research *grin*, or facts, or lists, or useful practices ... or practical strategies for that matter. We...

quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2014

O convite de Alice Maria Figueira Reis da Costa está aguardando sua resposta.

Alice Maria Figueira Reis da Costa quer fazer parte da sua rede no LinkedIn. Como deseja responder?
Alice Maria Figueira Reis da Costa
Orientadora Acadêmica na UNISUAM
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© 2014 LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct, Mountain View, CA 94043 - EUA.

quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2014

O convite de Alice Maria Figueira Reis da Costa está aguardando sua resposta.

Alice Maria Figueira Reis da Costa quer fazer parte da sua rede no LinkedIn. Como deseja responder?
Alice Maria Figueira Reis da Costa
Orientadora Acadêmica na UNISUAM
Você está recebendo E-mails de lembretes sobre convites pendentes. Cancelar inscrição.
© 2014 LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct, Mountain View, CA 94043 - EUA.